Courses: Advanced

Learn how to orchestrate data pipelines with jobflows, branch job execution, collect execution statistics, handle errors and move files.
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Building Data APIs
Discover how to design and publish data transformations as REST API endpoints (Data Services) and provide simple GUIs for user interaction (Data Apps).
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Connecting to APIs
Master CloverDX for seamless API integrations: learn to consume and connect to any REST or SOAP API, and streamline data flows efficiently using HTTPConnector and WebServiceClient components.
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Libraries, Reusable Functionality & Packaging
Build reusable functional blocks using Subgraphs and parameters. Package subgraphs into Libraries for sharing with your colleagues.
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Consuming and Building Data APIs
Learn to design transformations that get data from and to virtually any REST or SOAP API; publish data transformations as REST API endpoints (CloverDX Data Services) and create simple GUIs for users to interact with (CloverDX Data Apps).
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Work with JSON/XML
Learn how to read and write JSON and XML data structures. This course covers the essentials of parsing and generating these formats, enabling you to handle data effectively.
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Administration and Operations
How to deploy, configure, monitor and troubleshoot running jobs, and manage a Server or Cluster installation, including how to install and configure a CloverDX Server instance, set up alarms and read logs.
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Data Quality
How to use the capabilities of CloverDX to improve your data quality – from using various components to validate data and properly report errors, to best practice for adding data quality measures into all CloverDX workflows.
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All you need to know about working with SQL databases from CloverDX - from managing connections, running custom scripts to optimizing performance.
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Publishing Data to Data Catalog and Underlying Theory
This course teaches developers and administrators how to publish data to Data Catalog introduced in CloverDX 6.
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