Advanced Training course

Libraries, Reusable Functionality & Packaging

Build reusable functional blocks using Subgraphs and parameters. Package subgraphs into Libraries for sharing with your colleagues.
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Who is it for?

Users already comfortable with developing graphs looking for best practices on organizing resources and optimizing development of larger projects. Subgraphs and libraries tackle repeating patterns, encapsulate shared functionality and eliminate code redundancy.

What you’ll learn

  • Organize common repeating patterns into libraries shared across your company.
  • Support less technical colleagues by hiding design complexity behind easy to use customizable "Lego" pieces.
  • Build Subgraphs, package and deploy Libraries for collaboration among teams.

How it works

  • This course is organized as a combination of self-study materials, exercises and remote live sessions (MS Teams or videoconferencing tool of your choice if applicable).
  • Duration: one day,  90 - 120-minute remote live session with an expert trainer

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Reusable functionality

    • 📚 What are subgraphs? Benefits and use cases

    • 📚 Passing parameters, optional input/output ports

    • 📥 Materials for Download

    • 💪 Create top X report

  • 2

    Packaging as Library

    • 📚 What is a library? How to create one

    • 📚 How to install a library?

    • 📚 How to use a library?

    • 📚 CloverDX Marketplace

    • 💪 Let's create your first library

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